Workforce Development impacts every single member of our region. Because of its impact on our community, it is critical that you have access to Board policies, procedures, membership information, and details. This page is frequently updated; however, should you be in need of information/documents that have not yet been posted online, please email contact@southcentralworkforce.com so that we may assist you in meeting your needs.

The South Central Workforce Development Board Strategic Plan is aligned and nested with the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Work Ready Plan, which was approved and published on February 20, 2020.

This Strategic Plan serves as the planning foundation for the organization and establishes agreed upon goals and priorities among stakeholders comprising the workforce system.


This Regional Innovation Plan (RIP) which is provided as an addendum to the Local Strategic Plan, is designed to increase regional workforce participation and advance regional competitiveness, while reducing costs and finding efficiencies through collaboration.

The SCWDB and CWDB came together to codify this Regional Innovation Plan and our “Regional Strategic Goals” outlined in this Plan. The Regional Strategic Goals were collectively and collaboratively established by the SCWDB and CWDB and their respective CLEOs in the 23- county workforce region.